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Equity Compliance Office

Submit a Report

This form is available for any UD and external community members to report incidents of bias or harassment or discrimination that you believe may be in violation of the University of Dayton's Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy.

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Our Mission

The mission of the Equity Compliance Office is to make sure your learning and working environment at UD is safe and inclusive, and free of harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence.

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Purpose and Values

The Equity Compliance Office is responsible for upholding the University's commitment to  fairness and equity in all aspects of its operations including extracurricular activities, athletics, academic programs, employment, and more. A primary value of both our religious and civil traditions is the inviolable dignity of each person. 

The Equity Compliance Office:

  • Oversees the University's Title IX and Antidiscrimination and Harassment policies
  • Handles both internal and external complaints of protected class discrimination
  • Handles complaints of sexual misconduct
  • Trains the University community on the Title IX, mandatory reporting, and Nondiscrimination policy
  • Provides supportive measures for Complainants and Respondents

Equity Compliance Office Ste 240

Marianist Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0701

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